South Park 14th season

New season (14th) of South Park started recently, they've been two episodes so far first of them was pretty funny but can't be compared to the pearls of the hole show.The second one was not that funny but hit me really hard.

It's about our view of books. Plot in short : the Magic Four (Cartman, Stan,Kyle and Kenny) wrote a book using as much hard and rude words as they could. JUST FOR FUN aka JUST FOR LUZLS.
But sudenlly it becomes popular and people start to argue that is this book really about. Is it about disagreement between liberal and conservatives etc... and let me tell you boys are really surprised.

Surprised that the feeling about most of literature I've been forced to read during school. I mean we don't actually know that was the author thinking about, right? All this classic literature stuff
Well I do believe that Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were trying to bring some philosophy because it's written in the text itself. But Pushkin, Ostrovsky or even Shakespeare ( In most cases)? I don't think so.

There were the very interesting novel by Borges. The main plot is there is author ( 19th century) who rewrote Don ki Hot by Servantes word by word ( no difference at all word by word) The hole novel is actually a literature analysis of this "new" creation. It's just passes the actual text through the personality of author so same paragraphs get's totally, I mean TOTALLY different sense. You see? That's it all about. Let's presume a Kazymir Malevich jump out of time hole and shout : "Fellows, fellows, did you really believe it? How bloody stupid you are!!! It was a joke, may be creepy but still a joke. See ya" That would be freaking awesome.

So to the end. The art by itself mean nothing actual meaning of art is that YOU actually learn from it. Thats it. So no classic and no "Pulp fiction" or "yellow" newspapers. That actually important is that it bring to YOU. That's about it.

Why did I wrote all this c..p. The whole sole of this blog is to practice in written English, so if you read this far and you've noticed some grammar/lexical/any other kind of mistakes please tell me.


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